How The RRC Protects Groundwater and Now Online: T-4 Applications
PAPS' February 2016 News Release summarized the RRC's adopted amendment 16 TAC §3.78 regarding Groundwater Protection Application and Fees. After National Groundwater Awareness Week, the RRC complied the list below on how they protect groundwater.
- Requires well surface casing to be set at least 25 feet below the depth of the base of usable quality water.
- Mandates specific groundwater protection depths for each new well.
- Conducts inspections, ensures compliance and responds 24/7 to emergencies.
- Requires and enforces the cleanup of spills that may threaten water resources.
- Prevents spills and blowouts by enforcing requirements for drilling, casing, cementing, well control and fracture stimulation.
- Mandates public disclosure of chemicals and water volumes used in hydraulic fracturing.
- Ensures oilfield waste is disposed of in a manner that will not cause harm to the environment.
- Encourages recycling of oil and gas to reduce the use of surface and groundwater resources.
- Works with the Ground Water Protection Council and the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee to optimize water-quality protection.
- Serves on Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission advocating for environmentally sound ways to increase supply of American energy.
Now Online: Application for Permit to Operate a Pipeline
PAPS' August 2015 News Release outlined changes to 16 TAC §3.78 regarding T-4 permitting rules including the elimination of Form T-4C. In the RRC's ongoing commitment to modernize and streamline their permitting processes, pipeline operators can now complete and submit the Form T-4, Application for Permit to Operate a Pipeline in Texas, online using the RRC Online System. Operators must have a username and password with the RRC Online System to complete and submit the Form T-4 online. This update is part of the Commission's Information Technology Improvement. Project aimed to enhance technology used by stakeholders.
For questions regarding this update, email the Commission at: